Steven T. Hatton wrote:
I just happened to open Konqueror to the root of a recent boost CVS, and discovered an HTML file with some information I've never seen before. Among that information was a link to the Boost.Iostreams library. I don't see any reference to it on the Boost homepage, and when I searched the site I didn't find much there. But I've found it elsewhere on the Internet. I'm confused as to the status of the library. Is it a continuing project? I sure hope so.
Boost.Iostreams was accepted almost a year ago (can it be that long?) but will make its first official appearance as part of Boost in the 1.33 release -- any day now. You can view the docs here: http://boost-consulting.com/boost/libs/iostreams (this version of the documentation contains some mistakes which have been corrected in the release branch) Thanks for your interest! Jonathan