Hossein Haeri writes:
Dear all,
According to the Boost.Type_Traits I guess that function_traits<> is supposed to be of the most docile ones. After all it's got a few lines of comment...
Don't know how, and why, but the following plain-jane programme
#include <iostream> #include "boost\type_traits\function_traits.hpp"
int main() { typedef void (*FType) (); ^
Should be typedef void (FType) ();
typedef typename boost::function_traits<FType> ::result_type return_type;
cin.get(); return 0; }
Gives me the following error under GCC 3.3.1 (which I'm sure supports partial template specialisation):
Is he right? Is there anything particular I should had done, and I've not?
'function_traits' requires you to pass a _function type_, which is a different beast from a pointer to a function. HTH, -- Aleksey Gurtovoy MetaCommunications Engineering