Paul, On Mon, 9 Dec 2002, Paul Mensonides wrote: [ snip: lengthy example of 3 different ways to generate repeated code over a cartesian product of substitutions ] These examples were very enlightening, thanks for going to the trouble of posting them to the list for all of us to see. I have a few questions: 1) Is there any reason to prefer lists over sequences on any compilers? It seems that the syntax for sequences is much nicer, since you don't have to spend time counting paranthesis. 2) What is the data structure you use in the file iteration example (the structure which requires prepended lengths). Are the hardcoded lengths neccessary for file iteration to work, or could one of the other data structures (ie sequences) be used instead? I really like the simple syntax of the sequence type. Nothing to screw up :) I must admit that I haven't read the docs of Boost.PP since before 1.28 was released, so I know very little about file iteration. My apologies if these questions are already answered in the docs. Regards, -Tom Wenisch Computer Architecture Lab Carnegie Mellon University