Any ideas about how to get this functionality w/o all the headers? Thanks, -- Tony K. In order to use the tokenizer classes I end up requiring 47 files, which
What's wrong with 47 files? How much longer does it take to compile?
It actually does slow things down noticeably, since it's a small project.
He might be sub setting boost and only wants to include the needed files.
Anyway, this was brought up during the review, but at the time only 20 files were needed (the very first tokenizer only need 2 boost headers). It was
Exactly. I have 47 more files checked into source control that everybody else has to download (and have the tool check every time they refresh) so that I can parse a command line. I suppose I could check in the whole boost library, (~2000 files in the download I got,) but I'd rather just take what I need for now. the
switch to iterator_adaptors that caused the include explosion at the time...
Evidently reviewers thought 20 was reasonable, and I assume that some major problems are solved by the 47 headers that weren't by 20. I just wondered if there was a lighter weight way in boost to do my little tokenizing task. Is there? -- Tony K.