Hi all, My first post here, and this is going to sound so stupid... I am running Mac OS version 10.3.8. I have the Boost 1.32.0 release, and I have 3.1.10 version of boost-jam for the Mac. I have configured bjam according to the instructions. I know about the problem compiling the release version of the serialization library, so have excluded it from the build. I tried to build all (but one) of the libraries with this command line: bjam --prefix=/Users/rmanbert/Builds/Boost/prefix --exec-prefix=/Users/rmanbert/Builds/Boost/exec-prefix/ --builddir=/Users/rmanbert/Builds/Boost/boost_1_32_0/ -sTOOLS=darwin --without-serialization --stagedir=/Users/rmanbert/Builds/Boost/stage/ (I realize that I could have omitted some of the directory specifications, but this is the command line that I used.) When it completes, it has only created seven of the libraries. It does not appear to have attempted to build anything else. The libraries that get created are: date_time, filesystem, program_options, regex, signals, test, and thread. These are the only subdirectories that exist under /Users/rmanbert/Builds/Boost/boost_1_32_0/bin/boost/libs. After getting this result, I ran the entire thing from scratch and captured the output, and I can't see anything related to any other libraries (attempts to create directories, failed compilations, etc.). I tried building one of the excluded libraries with this command: bjam --prefix=/Users/rmanbert/Builds/Boost/prefix --exec-prefix=/Users/rmanbert/Builds/Boost/exec-prefix/ --builddir=/Users/rmanbert/Builds/Boost/boost_1_32_0/ -sTOOLS=darwin --without-serialization --stagedir=/Users/rmanbert/Builds/Boost/stage/ --with-array (Same as previous command, with --with-array added). The only output I saw was this: --------------------------------------------------------------------- skipping Boost.Python library build due to missing or incorrect configuration couldn't find Python.h in "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.2/include/python2.2" You can configure the location of your python installation by setting: PYTHON_ROOT - currently "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.2" PYTHON_VERSION - The 2-part python Major.Minor version number (e.g. "2.2", NOT "2.2.1") - currently "2.2" The following are automatically configured from PYTHON_ROOT if not otherwise set: PYTHON_LIB_PATH - path to Python library object; currently PYTHON_INCLUDES - path to Python #include directories; currently "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.2/include/python2.2" --------------------------------------------------------------------- ...found 2936 targets... (I assume the "skipping Boost.Python" error is nothing to worry about. I'm not using Python. I have no idea what "...found 2936 targets..." means.) Dis I miss something obvious? Does anyone have any suggestions for me so I can get the other libs built? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Rush