Ian McCulloch wrote:
Peter Dimov wrote:
No, you don't have to know this in advance. It is up to the implementation or specialization of result_of
to handle these cases and return the correct result. I'm not sure what you mean here. Do you mean that I should make sure that F::result
) and F::result are both defined?
Yes, if you F can be called with an rvalue of type int and with an lvalue of type const int. [...]
// some example function that passes by const_reference template <typename T> struct negate { typedef T const& argument_type; typedef T result_type;
result_type operator()(argument_type x) const { return -x; } };
// but we don't want to have to specify the parameter types by hand struct negate_f { template <typename T> struct result {};
template <typename T> struct result
// exact argument_type of negate<T> { typedef typename negate<T>::result_type type; };
This specialization says that negate_f can only accept const lvalues.
template <typename T> typename result
::type operator()(T const& x) const { return negate<T>()(x); } }; // generic apply function // do we pass by value or const reference here? template
typename boost::result_of ::type
This says that you ask for type of the return value of F when passed an rvalue of type T.
apply(Func f, T x) { return f(x);
But you pass an lvalue of type T here.
int main() { apply(negate_f(), 5); }
Try this variation instead: