Quoting Andreas Fabri:
VC2005 on this hardware/OS can produce 32 bit code as well as 64 bit code. I just checked and can confirm that the macro _M_X64 is defined, whatever that means for you.
"ANSI _controlfp (specifcally see the _MCW_RC mask) or numeric_limits::round_style,
numeric_limits::round_style could have been a good idea, but the linked
documentation explicitly says it doesn't work, so I'm not sure why it was
suggested to you.
_controlfp does help though (even if the documentation says it's deprecated).
The documentation does not say whether it's an alias for _control87 or not. If
it is, you just have to add "|| defined(_M_X64)" at hw_rounding.hpp:28.
If this is not sufficient, you also have to change all the occurrences of
_control87 by _controlfp in the detail/msvc_rounding_control.hpp file. You can
check your changes by verifying that the following testcase displays "Rounded
#include <iostream>
I also have the Intel 9 compiler for (32 bit) Windows. Let me know when you want me to check something for you.
Please try the testcase with this compiler too. Best regards, Guillaume