Hi everyone! I'm begginers to use bjam and boost. I've built python-extension. I successfully compiled it by bjam. My Jamroot file like this: use-project boost : ../../.. ; project : requirements <library>/boost/python//boost_python ; python-extension myext : myext.cpp ; And I have custom shared library with extra functions . Now I'm trying to use extra functions in python library. My questions is how put linker options in bjam project? Something like this: -L/path/to/my/library/lib64/ -lmylib.0.1 If I append include options for a file, my MyLib.h is found but linker does not find library itself. I append like this: python-extension myext : myext.cpp <include>/path/to/my/library/include; I've tried to use following # <library-path>/path/to/my/library/lib64/ # <library-file>mylib.0.1.so but with these options my extension is not compiled. Cheers,