I try to add Vertex and Edge data with bundled
properties. I am modifying the sample program
interior_property_map.cpp to learn how to access the
bundled properties, but I don't know how to fix my
compile error. What is the right way to access the
bundled properties for edge?
Source code is:
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
using namespace boost;
struct VertexData {
int x;
int y;
struct EdgeData {
int weight;
void who_owes_who(EdgeIter first, EdgeIter last, const
Graph& G)
// Access the propety acessor type for this graph
while (first != last) {
// fail to compile here!!!
cout << G[source(*first, G)].x << "," <<
G[source(*first, G)].y << " joins " <<
G[target(*first, G)].x << "," << G[target(*first,
G)].y << " weight " << G[edge(*first)].weight << endl;
// Create the graph, and specify that we will use
store the data.
typedef adjacency_list MyGraphType;
typedef pair Pair; // from <utility>
Pair edge_array[11] = { Pair(0,1), Pair(0,2),
Pair(0,3), Pair(0,4),
Pair(2,0), Pair(3,0),
Pair(2,4), Pair(3,1),
Pair(3,4), Pair(4,0),
Pair(4,1) };
MyGraphType G(5);
for (int i=0; i<11; ++i)
edge_array[i].second, G);
G[0].x = 0;
G[0].y = 0;
G[1].x = 1;
G[1].y = 1;
G[2].x = 2;
G[2].y = 2;
G[3].x = 3;
G[3].y = 3;
G[4].x = 4;
G[4].y = 4;
// store weights in edges
graph_traits <MyGraphType>::edge_iterator ei, eend;
int i = 0;
for (tie(ei, eend) = edges(G); ei != eend; ++ei) {
G[*ei].weight = i++;
cout << "G[e] weight " << G[*ei].weight << endl;
who_owes_who(edges(G).first, edges(G).second, G);
cout << endl;
return 0;
Compile error is:
In function `void who_owes_who(EdgeIter, EdgeIter,
const Graph&) [with EdgeIter =
boost::detail::out_edge_iter<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator >*,
std::vector >,
std::allocator > > > >, size_t,
boost::detail::edge_desc_impl, ptrdiff_t>,
boost::adjacency_list >, Graph =
instantiated from here
error: no matching function for call to
set -e
"g++" -c -Wall -ftemplate-depth-255 -g -O0
-I"../../../bin/boost/libs/graph/example" -I
"/home/tcma/cpp/boost_1_32_0" -o
"/usr/bin/objcopy" --set-section-flags
TingChong Ma
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