More trouble. Eclipse CDT tells me that when I try and use boost::filesystem::initial_pathboost::filesystem::path() that in include/boost/filesystem/operations.hpp on line 503 that I have a "undefined reference to 'boost::filesystem::detail::get_current_path_api(std::string&)'" I went to Google and found a forum thread where the person wasn't linking against Boost's Filesystem library. I looked in the lib/ section under my MinGW installation, however, and found libboost_filesystem.a, right where it should be. Is there still the potential for it to not be linking, or am I just not using something correctly? I tried a simpler usage of the same function and got the same problem. I should warn you, I'm still rather green at C++, all my previous programming training being in Java. I'm still getting acclimated to C++, pretty quickly, but still every once in a while I run into a wall and need someone to pick me up and steer me in the right direction, so to speak. Thanks in advance for any help you can give!