I'm trying to use boost::signals and boost::regex with MSVC 7.1
I retrieved the current CVS state with WinCVS, downloaded a binary of
bjam (3.1.4), used the Visual Studio .NET 2003 Command Prompt, invoked
bjam with the argument "-sTOOLS=vc7.1", and have added the boost path to
Tools|Options|Projects|VC++ Directories (Include Files).
When I compile programs I get link errors, e.g. signals_test.obj : error
LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: void __thiscall
boost::signals::connection::disconnect(void)const "
(?disconnect@connection@signals@boost@@QBEXXZ) referenced in function
"public: __thiscall boost::signals::connection::~connection(void)"
signals_test.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public:
__thiscall boost::signals::detail::signal_base::~signal_base(void)"
(??1signal_base@detail@signals@boost@@QAE@XZ) referenced in function
"public: __thiscall boost::signal0
(void)"(??1?$signal0@XU?$last_value@X@boost@@HU?$less@H@std@@V?$functio n0@XV?$allocator@Vfunction_base@boost@@@std@@@2@@boost@@QAE@XZ)
I have tried to add library paths in the IDE in a similar fashion to how I added the include path, but I had no success when building a test project. What do I need to do to successfully link? Thanks, Dave P.S. It might be a good idea to add the "vc7.1" target to http://www.boost.org/tools/build/index.html#Configuring.