Thanks Gregoire, Unfortunatly, I couldn't get this solution compiled... This might be a compilation issue as I don't see the problem in this approach. Stephane Grégoire Dooms wrote:
Stephane Grabli wrote:
I'm new to the BGL and I'm trying to use the strong_components algorithm, defined this way:
typename property_traits<ComponentMap>::value_type strong_components(Graph& g, ComponentMap comp, const bgl_named_params & params = all defaults)
with a graph defined like this:
typedef adjacency_list
Graph; (in particular using listS for vertices storage).
Does anyone know how I should declare the ComponentMap property map? I couldn't figure this out from the documentation and the examples I've seen all assume that a vecS type storage is used for vertices in the graph. Thanks!
you could use this: typedef std::mapGraph::vertex_descriptor,Graph::vertices_size_type CN; CN v2comp; associative_property_map<CN> compmap(v2comp);
HTH, -- Grégoire Dooms