writes: Maybe I answered my own question. I set CXXFLAGS to -mno-cygwin and ran configure. The user.hpp file it generated allowed me to build the threads for the first time.
Running configure should generally not be needed, especially for well-supported platforms like Windows. I certainly built the
If I do not run configure first, I get the following link errors
when I try to build threads
action ../../../libs/thread/build/bin/libboost_thread.dll/gcc-
(.text$_ZN9__gnu_cxx27__verbose_terminate_handlerEv+0x71): undefined
reference to `_impure_ptr'
(.text$_ZN9__gnu_cxx27__verbose_terminate_handlerEv+0xb6): undefined
reference to `_impure_ptr'
(.text$demangle_v3_with_details+0x87): undefined reference to
(.text$demangle_v3_with_details+0xaf): undefined reference to
(.text$_ZNSt8ios_base4Init13_S_ios_createEb+0x3e): undefined
reference to `_impure_ptr'
(.text$_ZNSt8ios_base4Init13_S_ios_createEb+0x67): more undefined
references to `_impure_ptr' follow
(.text$_ZNSt5ctypeIcE13classic_tableEv+0x4): undefined reference to
undefined reference to `_impure_ptr'
undefined reference to `__errno'
undefined reference to `__errno'
undefined reference to `__errno'
undefined reference to `__errno'
undefined reference to `__errno'
more undefined references to `__errno' follow
--- In Boost-Users@yahoogroups.com, David Abrahams
library using gcc-nocygwin without doing any config steps. I'm very surprised that you needed to do it.
-- Dave Abrahams Boost Consulting www.boost-consulting.com