27 Apr
27 Apr
5:58 a.m.
Dmitriy Chumack wrote:
hi *
Win32 VisualStudio 2005 boost_1_33_1
When I supply option description, which length exceeded value of options_description::m_default_line_length, to the options_description, then I have an assertion failure when I want to get help from my command line program:
prog --help
Assertion failure: file: xstring line: 173
and them comes very long assert expression.
This seems to be a compiler specific issue, because the same code, compiled on Linux Slackware 11.0 with gcc 3.4.6 and the same version of boost, works nice.
Should be fixed in 1.34. You can either checkout RC_1_34_0 branch from CVS or use just announced 1.34 beta. - Volodya