On 3/21/2014 8:58 AM, Filip Konvička wrote:
This is out there for years. To me this seems to be clearly explained and a fix is provided, but apparently all bugs assigned to 'bgubenko' aren't monitored (for years there has been no reaction).
So is there a way of getting the fix ever applied? Or are such unmaintained libraries just doomed to eventually die, despite the efforts of the people reporting bugs and posting patches?
Thanks, Filip
You could do a pull request for the interval library on the 'develop' branch. If the maintainer of 'interval' does not respond to that, then Boost could look for a co-maintainer who would do so. Also I suggest that you add an interval test as part of your pull request that shows the bug and that also shows that your fix is working. https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/wiki/StartModPatchAndPullReq