Phantom ha escrito:
OK, so I tried it without the macro and used the line :
mi::ordered_unique< mi::tag<id>, ::boost::multi_index::member
>, and it compiled fine, so as a sanity check I commented out that line and un-commented my orignal without the macro of the extra :: at the start... and it compiled fine as well. I even tried a rebuild, just hitting build, changing something in the header file and hitting build, none of them would fail and I've not touched/changed any compiler settings since I tried it all earlier, the only thing I've done is closed and reopened the IDE (and I've just confirmed /Gm is in the command line for the compiler)
I'm a tad puzzled by this as I'm sure you can understand, I'll keep and eye on it and if it starts failing again I'll report back my findings.
I'm as puzzled as you... Well, I hope you won't find any further problems and enjoy the lib. Do not hesitate to report on your experiences with Boost.MultiIndex. Good luck, Joaquín M López Muñoz Telefónica, Investigación y Desarrollo