I'd like to resurect an old thread, because I think it really make using BGL algorithms more difficult than they should. Vladimir Prus a écrit :
Thomas Costa wrote:
Will a future version of BGL have a "TerminatorFunc" in all the visitor types?
Throwing an exception as part of the "normal" flow of an algorithm seems to go against most people's C++ philosophy.
There are two points to note.
1. As Peter Dimov said (IIRC), exceptions are just non-local goto. In this case, non-local goto is fine.
2. TerminatorFunc does not do what you're asking for. It does not terminate the search as soon as you find a certain vertces -- for that exception is fine. The TerminatorFunc parameter prevents the search to go *past* certain vertices.
A ------- B -------- C ----------- D \ \ \ E ------ F -------- G
If terminator func returns true on 'B', then depth_first_visit will visit 'A', 'B', 'E', 'F', and 'G', but not 'C' or 'D'. It was invented (by me) exactly for that purpose. I wanted to find all paths starting at a given vertex ending is a special 'terminating' vertices.
In my case, I don't want to abort the visit when I have found a node with some criteria, I just want to stop visiting further nodes from this node. So the exception stuff is not an option. The TerminatorFunc might seem a good option, but I want something slightly different. In my case, I'd like a termination function called when discovering the edge between A and B, that allows me to discard B, C and D, based on some information depending on both A and B. TerminatorFunc consider just one of the several points where we might stop visiting a graph. We already have a visitor concepts that exposes all interresting points in the algorithm, and I think some of the iterator functions might return a boolean values, to act like TerminatorFunc, but with a flexibility that will make it useable by all users. With the current BGL, the alternatives I see are: - Use my own DFS algorithms that can conditionally stop, probably less performant, with bugs... which defeats the purpose of the BGL. - Use current algorithm, but in the visitor functions, manually change some colors in the color map to lure DFS into doing what I want. I don't feel I have enough knowledge to do this confidently. Best regards, -- Loïc