I'd say the best hosting offer should win. :-) I have a shared hosting
account with about 7 months prepaid left. (I was maintaining the site
for a friend and she moved to another hosting provider that provides
better usage statistics for her marketing campaigns.) The annual fee
is really cheap and renewing it would not be an issue, but they do not
provide real 24/7 suuport. (Not sure if we would really need it
Regardless of where the site ends up, I think we should find a simple
content management system that allows us to focus on C++ documentation
and discussion and not become PHP/MySQL/HTML developers. Been there,
done that, hated it.
Plone looks O.K. A friend of mine has been raving about Mambo
(http://www.mamboserver.com/) lately.
On 5/3/05, Fernando Cacciola
"Eric Goebelbecker"
escribió en el mensaje news:7611ef5a05050311052664ea@mail.gmail.com... I'm new to Boost and have been lurking on the list for a short time.
This sounds like a good idea to me. Although I mean lean toward a portal type site, only because wikis have been compromised frequently of late, and a volunteer site doesn't need the additional headaches.
I may be able to help out with web hosting space. I have an "extra" account and a low-budget hosting company.
Great, thank you!
I'll act as a general coordinator for the effort. If others make the same offer I'll see how can we decide who will actually donate the hosting (I guess the first to offer gets the priority)
Fernando Cacciola SciSoft
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-- ---------------------------------- "C is often described, with a mixture of fondness and disdain varying according to the speaker, as 'a language that combines all the elegance and power of assembly language with all the readability and maintainability of assembly language'" - the Jargon File Eric Goebelbecker eric@ominor.net