I'm getting several compiler errors when trying to use the Spirit library.
When compiling one of the samples from the v1.6 documentation, I get a linker error:
SpiritTest.obj : fatal error LNK1179: invalid or corrupt file: duplicate comdat "?do_parse@?$parse_subrule@V?$match@Unil_t@spirit@boost@@@spirit@boost@@U?$subrules_scanner@V?$scanner@PBDU?$scanner_policies@U?$skipper_iteration_policy@Uiteration_policy@spirit@boost@@@spirit@boost@@Umatch_policy@23@Uaction_policy@23@@spirit@boos67ac75e0"
LNK1179 suggested that the /H _compiler_ option might be involved. It (supposedly) controls how long a symbol is allowed to be when the compiler is generating symbol names. I've tried several different variations on the /H option, /H512, /H1024, etc. They all give the same error message, and the symbol "?do_parse@..." doesn't get any longer (or shorter for that matter).
I also get a number compiler errors when I #include