Further debugging the issue, I found that if I pass a small buffer (like
10KB) to write, the async_write handler (HandleWrite) is called. I was passing
128 MB of data to be written in a single async_write call. Does this has
something to do with not calling the write handler? In Wondows also I am
passing 128 MB buffer, but it works!
On Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 3:03 PM, Lloyd
I have an application that need to work on both Windows and Linux. We are using asio for network communication (boost 1.57). In this, once the connection is established with the server, the connection handler in client executes the following async calls...
boost::asio::async_read_until(Socket, stream, string("\r\n"), boost::bind(&MyConnection::HandleRead, shared_from_this(), boost::asio::placeholders::error)); ... ... ... boost::asio::async_write(Socket,boost::asio::buffer(buff,len), boost::bind(&MyConnection::HandleWrite,shared_from_this(),
On Windows, the "HandleWrite" function is called as soon as the data is written. But on Linux this function never gets called!. In Linux and Windows HandleRead is getting called as expected.
In bot the the case, the server receives the data properly. Is there any reason for this?
Thanks, Lloyd