l@lo wrote:
Hi everybody!
I'm trying to compile the smart_ptr library using the Jamfile in the test directory. Some of the test *.cpp files are compiled successfully, but some of them drops the following error:
sunpro-Link-action ../../../libs/smart_ptr/test/bin/shared_ptr_alloc_ test.test/sunpro/debug/runtime-link-dynamic/shared_ptr_alloc_test Undefined first referenced symbol in file boost::__RTTI__1nFboostPchecked_deleter4nBZ___ /rest/proj/users/kercsoj/boost/boost_1_30_0/libs/s mart_ptr/test/bin/shared_ptr_alloc_test.test/sunpr o/debug/runtime-link-dynamic/ SunWS_cache/CC_obj__/_iANwWXwaw2nbnjBybyL.o [Hint: static member boost::__RTTI__1nFboostPchecked_deleter4nBZ___ must be defined in the program]
It's seems, it is a common error, because it appears several times in the error output of the compiler.
Has anybody any ideea, why this error message comes, and how could be corrected?
Are you compiling with RTTI off?