On Monday 09 September 2002 12:55 pm, Bertolt Mildner wrote:
"Douglas Gregor"
schrieb im Newsbeitrag news:200209090847.39513.gregod@cs.rpi.edu... On Monday 09 September 2002 08:21 am, Bertolt Mildner wrote:
Warning : variable / argument 'deprecated' is not used in function (included from: function10.hpp:28 function.hpp:37 Test.cpp:8) function_template.hpp line 388 BOOST_FUNCTION_DEPRECATED_INNER
The 'set' method is deprecated and will disappear some time after 1.29.0. Please use the assignment operator instead.
Hmm... I'm not using a set method!?
Now I'm completely confused... does code like the following cause a warning? (I don't have access to this compiler, unfortunately, but there aren't any warnings in the Boost regression tests...) template<typename T> struct foo { void bar() { int deprecated; } }; int main() { return sizeof(foo); } You may also compile with BOOST_FUNCTION_NO_DEPRECATED defined, which will completely remove all deprecated functionality. Doug