"Malte Clasen"
file. This slows down the compilation noticably and results in errors such as "C1204: compiler limit : internal structure overflow" and "C1055: compiler limit : out of keys" (VC++ 7.1), as more or less all significant headers are included in this translation unit.
manual template instantiations, but in this case I can't imagine another way to deal with it, except waiting for the next VC++ release and hoping for the best.
FWIW, I have a new library in the works which causes a lot of internal errors and compiler limit errors on VC7.1. I've found that VC8.0 handles the library much better than VC7.1, so there is hope. In the mean time, I've found that I can often prevent these errors by using the "Line Numbers Only" debugging option (/Zd), or by surrounding some of the code with #pragma component(mintypeinfo, on) ... #pragma component(mintypeinfo, off) Jonathan