Richard Ketcham wrote:
../../../bin.v2/libs/thread/example/gcc-arm/debug/threading-multi/thread.o (.ARM.extab.text._ZN5boost5mutexC1Ev[boost::mutex::mutex()]+0x0): undefined reference to `__gxx_personality_v0'
....etc... I didn't think you needed to see the rest of this.
What do you think is the problem? It's referencing iostream.h ... my using command is defined as follows:
using gcc : arm : /home/rich/gumstix/gumstixLatest/build_arm_nofpu/staging_dir/bin/arm-linux-gcc-4.1.1 : <cxxflags>-I/home/rich/gumstix/gumstixLatest/build_arm_nofpu/staging_dir/usr/include/ ;
You did not follow my instructions in one aspect, it seems. I said: Add: using gcc : arm : .../staging_dir/bin/arm-linux-g++-4.1.1 ; and you added, in effect: using gcc : arm : .../staging_dir/bin/arm-linux-gcc-4.1.1 ; This aspect is covered in the fine Boost.Build manual, the Reference->Builtin tools section. - Volodya