Robert Ramey wrote:
The current state of the boost serialization library in different of compiler/library/os combinations is best appreciated by reviewing our current test matrix: n.html
Most problems, including the one referred to above, seem to be related build issues such as compile and linking switches. The bjam system minimizes these in our test environment. I would suggest building the libraries with bjam to address the above issues.
we are using bjam for 1.32.0 not ever having built boost before i am not 100% sure it is done right (im more of a windows user (boost wise) that includes a few headers, never built the libs on windows) i can show you the command lines used, i went over the docs, and *to me* it seems fine, but apparently this isn't really the case the build process will also display the
actual command used for building and linking which can be compared to one's own setup.
Good Luck
Robert Ramey
_______________________________________________ Boost-users mailing list
BOOSTJAM=./tools/build/jam_src/bin.linux${arch}/bjam BOOST_TOOLSET="gcc" python_version # Build bjam, a jam variant, which is used instead of make cd ${S}/tools/build/jam_src ./ ${BOOST_TOOLSET} || die "Failed to build bjam" cd ${S} # actual build ${BOOSTJAM} \ -sBOOST_ROOT=${S} \ -sPYTHON_ROOT=/usr \ -sPYTHON_VERSION=${PYVER} \ -sTOOLS=${BOOST_TOOLSET} \ --prefix=${D}/usr \ --layout=system \ stage || die "stage failed" ${BOOSTJAM} ${MAKEOPTS} \ -sBOOST_ROOT=${S} \ -sPYTHON_ROOT=/usr \ -sPYTHON_VERSION=${PYVER} \ -sTOOLS=${BOOST_TOOLSET} \ --prefix=${D}/usr \ --layout=system \ install || die "install failed" where ${S} is the source dir of boost as it is unpacked in a temporary location in gentoo