----- Original Message -----
From: "David Abrahams"
"Tom Aratari"
writes: Hello, Has anyone gotten boost_1_31 to compile with Forte 8.0 (__SUNPRO_CC = x550) ? I get errors for the boost::iterator.
I don't know about that particular version, but historically Sun compilers have had such lousy template support that getting Boost to work on them has been all but hopeless. Sun 0x560 is showing 54% failures at http://www.boost.org/regression-logs/cs-SunOS.html.
Tell me about it! I have to cross platform compile many things, and templating on Forte is not fun. But the template support in Forte 8 is MUCH improved over 7.2 .. The syntax is weird but I have gotten things to compile.
Also, does anyone know if the next release of boost will be compatible with forte 8.0?
Very unlikely. Sun needs to fix their darned compiler before we stand much of a chance with it.
That might take an eternity :) Tom