9 May
9 May
7:33 p.m.
On Thu, 09 May 2013 08:07:39 -0700, Mohammad Daei
I've tried "c++ -I /root/boost_1_53.0 example.cpp -o example", "c++ -I /root/boost_1_53.0 example.cpp -o example -lboost_system-mt -pthread", "c++ -I /root/boost_1_53.0 example.cpp -o example -L /root/boost_1_53.0/stage", I've tried installing boost through yum, or downloading source package and compiling them myself, still no luck I'm really running out of ideas here!
The best way to get meaningful help is to post the smallest complete source file that produces the error, and the accompanying full error message(s). Also read up on what the compiler command line options "-L" and "-l" mean, if you're not familiar with them.