For a little more entropy you can add the seconds from time to the process PID (UUID). That will give you a difference each run at the seconds numeric scale that would tend to repeat at the PID cycle rate. You could add in microseconds from (Linux gettimeofday) for additional entropy. On Linux with some additional work you can use /dev/random and /dev/urandom (better). Neil Nelson
I create within a class the MT object with
static boost::mt19937 m_random;
so I need for a static variable for the initialization value, so I do this with
boost::mt19937 tools::random::m_random( time(NULL) );=
Now: My question is, can I use the time() value for initialization the MT object, so that the MT object returns values with a good entropie or should I need another initialization value like a UUID of the OS?
Because the time function ( ) returns a time_t value, so is this value good for initialization or should I need another value, if yes, which value if a good choice for initialize the MT object?