Aaronburro@netscape.net wrote:
Howdy, Sorry if this gets posted twice. i tried the webpage over at news.gmane.org, but it doesn't look like it got posted, so I subscribed(yay).
Regardless of what Gmane says the group requires that you subscribe before letting you post.
Anyway, I'm trying to install Boost on Windows with the DJGPP compiler for c++. I've basically done nothing but get one big headache trying to follow the instructions at boost.org.
I personally haven't tried that one.. so many G++ variants. Which version of Boost? -- I'll assume 1.31.0 for now :-)
So far, I have bjam in my windows\system32 directory.
Which version of bjam? Where did you get it from?
I tried to set it up to use DJGPP, a variant of gcc, but it doesn't seem to like my request. bjam keeps trying to use g++ instead of gpp, even though I gave it the GXX=gpp option. It also can't seem to find the directory of DJGPP, even though I used the GCC_ROOT_DIRECTORY=C:\DGJPP\ option as well.
What was the commands you used? I just tried this: C:\Boost\boost_1_31_0>bjam -sGXX=gpp -sGCC_ROOT_DIRECTORY=C:\DGJPP -sTOOLS=gcc -n stage And it's trying to execute commands like this (-n is the option to only echo the commands): C:\DGJPP/bin/\gpp -c -Wall -ftemplate-depth-100 -DBOOST_DATE_TIME_POSIX_TIME_STD_CONFIG -DBOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK=1 -g -O0 -f no-inline -I"bin\boost\libs\date_time\build" -I "C:\Boost\boost_1_31_0" -o "bin\boost\libs\date_time\build\boost_date_time.dll\gcc\debug\greg_month.obj" "C:/Boost/boost_1_31_0/libs/date_time/build/../src/gregorian/greg_month.cpp" Which seems correct.
I am thoroughly stumped, and the documents over at boost.org seem to have been written by monkeys, albeit ones with good spelling and grammar.
Which documents? Although opinions vary, most people I've met don't consider me a monkey... But I must grant you there is some evolutionary resemblance ;-) [[ I'm an easy going person, so the monkey comment doesn't phase me... But you'll likely get better responses if you don't come off as insulting people. ]]
I am fairly computer literate, but those things are like rocket science to me(and I'm a nuclear engineer ;))
I'd use Boost.Build's .bat file, but I can't get bjam to work right, and then God only knows what I'll do from there, so I'd greatly appreciate a more "step-by-step" approach which is geared towards a WindowsXP user. Bryan Burroughs
Did you read the "Getting Started" document? It's supposed to be the step by step instructions. http://www.boost.org/more/getting_started.html Getting Started (Or you can find it in the distribution at */more/getting_started.html) If you did, I'd certainly like to get feedback on how to improve it. -- -- Grafik - Don't Assume Anything -- Redshift Software, Inc. - http://redshift-software.com -- rrivera/acm.org - grafik/redshift-software.com - 102708583/icq