Daniel Goller wrote:
im looking for feedback as well as a possible fix for boost serialization with binutils >* with binutils* the boost serialization demo links properly with newer (stable on gentoo) binutils we see a myriad of gnu linkonce errors from the linker
so i would like to know if anyone here can link the serialization demo.cpp with 2.15.92.* binutils if yes on which distro and the exact version of the binutils
Note that our test matrix shows most tests passing compile, link and run tests. http://www.meta-comm.com/engineering/boost-regression/developer/serializatio n.html These tests are on current state of the next version to be released. In order to function with gcc 2.95 we use STLPort 4.5.3 rather than the standard library that comes with gcc 2.95 as well as spirit 1.6x rather than the curent spirit 1.8x
better yet, i would like to know how i can build boost serialization also as a shared lib,
Note the current test version permits bulding of the serialization library as a shared lib. I don't know the next version of boost (1.33) will be released. As a practical matter to use gcc 2.95 with the serialization library you will have to change standard library to STLPort and use sprite 1.6x. Given this, it might just be easier to upgrade your gcc to 3.4x which is much better in any case. Robert Ramey