Hi, I'm trying to serialize a boost::shared_ptr to a custom archive. The compiler complains about the archive missing methods 'append' and 'reset'. Does anyone know where I should look to find out more information about these two methods? I wasn't able to find any documentation when looking at the Archive Concept about these two methods, and text_iarchive, together with its base classes, don't seem to declare it. On the other hand, boost::archive::text_iarchive compiles fine. Here are the compile errors I see: /usr/include/boost/serialization/shared_ptr.hpp:133:9: error: ‘class my_iarchive’ has no member named ‘append’ /usr/include/boost/serialization/shared_ptr.hpp:139:5: error: ‘class my_iarchive’ has no member named ‘reset’ My boost version is 1.46 (which comes with openSuse 12.1) Thank you in advance.