On 7/13/15 1:26 PM, TILLMAN, MICHAEL D9 wrote:
We're using boost 1.51. Management is reluctant to upgrade because the software is for manned space flight and our current boost version has been stable.
Wanted to see if there was a known bug with boost::lexical_cast<double>. We're seeing failures on what appear to be valid float strings. When we catch the exception, and simply do a second cast on the same string, the cast succeeds. The Code fragment:
try { dVal = boost::lexical_cast<double>(theValue); }
catch(boost::bad_lexical_cast &eX)
... more code ...
firstAttemptFailed = true;
// If the first cast succeeded, don't bother to attempt it again.
if(firstAttemptFailed == true)
// Let the API throw the actual exception if the second attempt also fails.
dVal = boost::lexical_cast<double>(theValue);
The string sequence this fails on is:
It fails on the last string, "1.81.....", in the actual program, but when compiled into a simple test program, it succeeds.
If there is a known bug, we may be able to get a Boost upgrade installed.
I don't know whether there are known bugs in lexical_cast, but I'd be more suspicious of theValue's actual value. What is it's type, lifetime, etc. Jeff