ajb@spamcop.net wrote:
G'day all.
Looks like the uBLAS questions are going here, since we can't post to the proper list. So might as well ask here.
I'm on a 32-bit platform, and I can't create a sparse matrix of dimensions 65536*65536. I get a run-time assertion failure, because uBLAS requires that for an m by n matrix, m*n fits in a machine word.
For a dense matrix, that's an understandable limitation, but for a sparse matrix it's impractically small.
I'm trying to use uBLAS to solve finite element Poisson problems with odd boundary conditions, which involves solving a ver sparse linear system with the grid points as unknowns. This limitation means I can't use anything larger than a 40*40*40 voxel grid.
Any thoughts?
I believe that this limitation has been removed in the to-be-released-imminently 1.32 version. See http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lib.boost.ublas:1460 which talks of a 1000000x1000000 matrix. To answer the original poster, the Ublas mailing list can be browsed here. I'd say that there are 4 or 5 active developers ATM. http://news.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lib.boost.ublas Regards, Angus