Hi Stefan,
My first guess would be to use initializers, as in
NetworkMultiArray::NetworkMultiArray(int length) : boost::multi_array
( ... ) { ... } You shouldn't need to explicitly use the this keyword unless you are using an obscure compiler and certain syntactically obscure constructs. However, if you want to refer to the methods of a superclass that you have overridden in your own class, use this class's name as a qualifier, e. g. if you have a method 'begin()' for your own class that overrides the 'multi_array::begin()' method, you will need to write
::begin(); Usually, when you try to extend an existing class it is a good idea to create a typedef for your superclass, so it's easier to refer to it's methods. In your case define a typdef like this:
typedef boost::multi_array
super; If you do that, you can forward calls to method overrides of your own class to the baseclass by simply calling super::{_methodname_(...)}. E. g. the above call would be reduced to
Note that some methods cannot be overriden, such as the copy constructors or assignment operators, so you will need to provide
Sorry folks for resending, but I forgot to change the subject line as appropriate when I first replied to the digest. My bad... For the sake of the initial poster (and anyone else interested in this issue) to help him spot my response, below is a copy of that initial reply. I cut away the rest of the digest as well as the original request that I did quote originally, to keep redundancy to a minimum. those
for your own class and explicitely call the base class methods inside:
NetworkMultiArray& NetworkMultiArray::operator=(const NetworkMultiArray& other) { super::operator=(other); // explicit use of operator= neccessary here! // copy extended stuff here // ... return *this; }
Hope this helps!
Regards, Stefan (another one)