22 Oct
22 Oct
5:53 p.m.
Hello there, I was trying to upgrade boost 1.53.0 to boost 1.68.0. But, it looks like hashing code generation has changed, since the following line gives two different hashcode for same string input. boost::hash<string> namehash; size_t hashCode = namehash( name); Where name is string, an e.g “abcdefg” With boost 1.53.0 the hashCode is 168904 And with boost 1.68.0 the hashCode is 69530. I am giving just sample random number here, those two numbers are never equal, with everything remain the same, only change boost version on EL6 Linux machine with GCC 4.9 compiler. This is blocking me to upgrade to newer version of boost. I appreciate if anyone has some info on this. Thanks