So we should do .... what? I would like to see this addressed in the configuration headers. Robert Ramey Christopher Coleman wrote:
Robert Ramey wrote:
change "boost/serialization/hash_map.hpp" as below: //#ifdef __GLIBCPP__ #include
//#else //#include //#endif Why should the above be necessary? Isn't __GLIBCPP_ the right switch to use?
I believe the location of the header changed at some point from hash_map.hpp to etx/hash_map.hpp. They may also have changed the namespace from std:: to __gnu_cxx::. (This change is certainly the case between 2.95 and 3.3, but I'm unsure exactly when this happened)
As a result in the project I work on I have a bunch of autoconf macros to determine which namespace / header location is correct to use.
I think it is also the case with hash_set's too, although I have never used them with the serialization library.