On 01/06/2020 14:48, degski wrote:
On Mon, 1 Jun 2020 at 08:30, Niall Douglas via Boost-users
mailto:boost-users@lists.boost.org> wrote: The current formulation of lightweight exceptions before WG21 is literally Experimental Outcome in language form. Same proposed error object, std::error. It is currently expected that both value-based and type-based exceptions would exist in future C++, in order to retain backwards compatibility, as the semantics between the two are not currently believed possible to be made exactly one-one.
i am obviously oblivious to what 'is in front of', but knowing that now [what light weight exceptions entails], I concur with you. As I noted in that same post, I 'get' [in respect of LEAF] the use-case of a c-api error-handler (but there must be plenty of those, no?), but otherwise I don't see it. From my personal perspective, I would not hesitate one second to use Outcome now, instead of any other solution better, or worse, just because it is going to be in some shape or form, but very similar, in the future standard.
Just so nobody misinterprets anything, right now EWG is not keen on
proposed lightweight exceptions. Microsoft hopes to modify MSVC to
support an implementation in the near future, and that may change EWG's
LEWG is keen, so far, on the library side of things i.e. std::error and
the wider status_code machinery. We recently ported a large codebase at
work from