Hi, I'm having a hard time trying to use bjam to build boost 1.29.0. I have Win98 in Spanish, and I use Borland C++ Builder 5.0 (its bcc32.exe corresponds to is BCC5.5.1) I have boost 1.29.0 installed at: "C:\Libraries\boost\Repository\boost" I've downloaded bjam for Microsoft Windows:
bjam -v Boost.Jam Version 3.1.0. OS=NT. Copyright 1993-2002 Christopher Seiwald and Perforce Software, Inc. Copyright 2001 David Turner. Copyright 2001-2002 David Abrahams.
I've temporarily modified the root 'jamfile' so that it builds only the Test library. and I've done: subst d: "c:\archivos de programa\borland\cbuilder5" set BCCROOT=d: (you'll see why in a moment) If I try: c:\>cd C:\Libraries\boost\Repository\boost" C:\Libraries\boost\Repository\boost> bjam -sTOOLS=borland I receive messages of the form: borland-C++-action libs\test\build\bin\libpem.lib\borland\debug\runtime-link-static\threading-s ingle\execution_monitor.obj "d:\bin\bcc32" -j5 -q -c -P -w -Ve -Vx -a8 -v -Od -vi- -tWC -WM- -w-8001 -I"libs\test\build" -I"C:\Libraries\boost\Repository\boost" -I"d:\includ e" -o"libs\test\build\bin\libpem.lib\borland\debug\runtime-link-static\thre ading-single\execution_moni Error E2266: No file names given tor.obj" "libs\test\build\../src\execution_monitor.cpp" C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\JAMTMP00.BAT [2] Unknown command "TOR.OBJ" "LIBS\TEST\BUILD\.." "d:\bin\bcc32" -j5 -q -c -P -w -Ve -Vx -a8 -v -Od -vi- -tWC -WM- -w-8001 -I"libs\test\build" -I"C:\Libraries\boost\Repository\boost" -I"d:\includ e" -o"libs\test\build\bin\libpem.lib\borland\debug\runtime-link-static\thre ading-single\execution_monitor.obj" "libs\test\build\../src\execution_monitor.cpp" ...failed borland-C++-action libs\test\build\bin\libpem.lib\borland\debug\runtime-link-static\threading-s ingle\execution_monitor.obj... If I'm interpreting this output correctly, the problem is that the command line feed to bcc32 exceeds 256 characters. What can be done about this? Is there a way for 'borland-tools.jam' to put the bcc32 parameters in a tmp response file and use: bcc32.exe @tmprsp.rsp? Any help will be appreciated. TIA, -- Fernando Cacciola