2014-03-24 15:05 GMT+04:00 David Roberts
In Boost 1.54 I have noticed that lexical_cast from double to string and back is much slower in Visual Studio 2013 (Visual C++ 12) than it was in Visual Studio 2010 (Visual C++ 10).
Is this already a known issue? If not I can do a bit more investigation to narrow down why it's so much slower, but I don't want to waste my time if this has already been done.
That issue is unknown. I'd really appreciate the investigation. Try excluding the lexical_cast from test, I have a feeling that this is only MSVC related issue: #include <sstream> #include <string> int main (int, char **) { for (double count = 0.0; count < 1000000.0; count += 1.41) { std::stringstream ss; ss << count; std::string result = std::move(ss.str()); ss.str(std::string()); ss << result; ss >> count; } return 0; } -- Best regards, Antony Polukhin