6 Jul
6 Jul
4:52 p.m.
David Abrahams wrote:
What you really want is the fusion library (in CVS), which will replace Boost.Tuple:
typedef boost::fusion::result_of_generate
::type mytuple; I don't know of another (easy) solution for you.
Sorry for being stupid, but I tried to get some compilable file out of this information and simply failed due to - as far as I can see - missing traits. Could you please provide a complete example?
P.S.: David and Aleksey, if you read this here: I could not find your "coming soon" book at awprofessional.com. What's the current state of the book I wait for so long already ...
"Sanity-check reviewed" and about to enter final copyediting at Addison Wesley.
Fine. Lookin' forward to this event. Markus