Hi Tom - I hope you are well. On 2/29/16 13:16, Craig, Tom wrote:
My Linux application sis using bool::asio::read_until() to read data from a socket. The application also uses commercial, 3^rd party hardware. Occasionally my program crashes due to a SIGSEGV violation.
The core dump stack trace is shown below. It indicates that the 3^rd party signal handler is invoked while my thread is waiting for socket I/O, and that the crash is occurring during signal handler execution.
While I recognize that this is an issue with the 3^rd party vendor (and I am currently engaged in discussions with them), I’m wondering if my usage of boost is incorrect, or if there is something that I should be doing differently in performing socket I/O?
It is a little hard to know from the dump if the code is correct; however, starting in Boost 1.47 release you can easily setup a signal handler. http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_47_0/doc/html/boost_asio/overview/signals.ht...
I am using boost v1.43.
<snip picture> Michael Caisse Ciere Consulting