on 10/23/02 10:48 AM, Bobby Thomale at bobby-thomale@mail.inoveon.org wrote:
Yesterday I was trying to help my wife get the Boost libraries to compile in her application. It reminded me of an issue I thought I brought up a while ago (maybe I forgot) that still exists in the boost Macos.hpp config file.
In the MacOS.hpp file, it checks to see if you are compiling a Mach-O target. If you are, it reasons, you must be using the Apple BSD headers as well. This logic is even documented in a comment:
// If __MACH__, we're using the BSD standard C library, not the MSL: #if __MACH__
The problem with this is that, starting with CW Pro 8, it is actually possible to build a Mach-O target and use the MSL in place of the BSD libraries. Lots of people are apparently doing this, including my wife. (I am still on CFM and have not made the transition to Mach-o yet, but I will eventually and I will potentially be in the same boat. The newer Carbon APIs are Mach-o only so that is where all the carbon programmers will eventually go, and as long as Codewarrior is around, MSL will be there as an option for people.)
Bobby, Change the line to #if defined(__MACH__) && __MACH__ This was talked about in June on this list and I thought someone had submitted a patch but I guess not. I'm still building CFM apps so I hadn't noticed. I'll submit a patch so this will be fixed in an upcoming build. Chris