On 20/11/2018 23:03, David Demelier wrote:
Reading the type_value documentation from Boost Program options feels like:
typed_value * composing(); Specifies that the value is composing. See the 'is_composing' method for explanation.
And the documentation of is_composing:
bool is_composing() const;
Not sure if I know more what this function is supposed to do now.
I agree that this seems somewhat unhelpful. FWIW a quick look elsewhere found https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_68_0/doc/html/program_options/tutorial.html... which describes that option in more detail -- specifically that it's whether repeated parameters are merged or just replace the older value.
Also, I think this module/documentation should take a s/method/function/g.
"Method" is the more common name for a method within a class.