Note that in the test there is dll_polymorphic_derived2. This exports a couple of functions. But it depends on dll_polymorphic_base and imports some symbols from that. In C++, the class derived2 inherits from the class base. So within the same module we're both exporting and importing albeit different symbols. The normal windows tests seem to be fine with this. I'll try to figure out what mingw does differently.
To take a concrete example, in the failing "test_no_rtti_polymorphic_text_archive", both polymorphic_derived2.o and test_no_rtti.o are linked directly into the executable (no dll's involved), but in the former you are dllexport'ing the class and the latter dllimport'ing, and since it's all one big exectutable with no dll's the import/export is redundant and ideally you would be doing neither, but if you must mark them up, then it should be dllexport all the way. John. --- This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software. https://www.avast.com/antivirus