This seems to me like it should work. Yet the check() call resolves,
without error, to the first one...which should cause an error and
trigger SFINAE. Can anyone help me figure out what gives?
Compiler is MSVC++ 8. Normally the SFINAE stuff works so I'm betting on
my mistake this time.
Basically I need to check it the metafunction meta<T> returns something.
If it does then the object is a record. If it doesn't then it is not.
#include <iostream>
template < typename T1, typename T2 >
struct construct_metafield_composed
typedef T1 type; // Not what the real one does.
template < typename RECORD >
struct meta
struct type : boost::mpl::transform
typename RECORD::fields
, construct_metafield_composed
, boost::mpl::placeholders::_1
typedef RECORD meta_for;
template < typename T >
struct is_record_check
typedef char (&no) [1];
typedef char (&yes) [2];
template < typename S >
static yes check(typename meta<S>::type *);
template < typename S >
static no check(...);
enum { value = sizeof(check<T>(0)) == sizeof(yes) };
typedef boost::mpl::bool_<value> type;
struct test { typedef boost::mpl::vector< int, double > fields; };
int main()
// output is 1\n1\n.
std::cout << is_record_check<test>::value << std::endl;
std::cout << is_record_check<int>::value << std::endl;
// meta<int>::type x; - yet this will cause compilation error.