I'm wondering how you would handle the following case.
Suppose I have a set of mathematical formulas that has both bigger case and
lower case variables (such as both 'X' and 'x'). This situation is pretty
common. In order to implement them in C++, I could either write bigger cases
as well as lower cases in C++, which is not in consistence with the
convention that you mention. Or I have to convert bigger cases to lower
cases, which is also not easy to read, as it is different from the original
mathematical form.
Which approach would you prefer? I would prefer the former one. Therefore,
the convention is not followed.
On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 3:06 PM, Peter McGill
It is a standard C++ convention to capitalize #defines and constants like that. There is no technical reason, it just makes them easy to identify. Following common practice makes boost more accessible to many people.
You should never have two header files which only differ in case. Some file systems (ie. dos/windows) do not allow files which only differ in case. Technical reasons aside, having two files which only differed in case would be potentially hard to understand. It is much clearer to give them different names.
In both cases it is important to write understandable code, it is easier to maintain.
Peter McGill IT Systems Analyst Gra Ham Energy Limited
-----Original Message----- From: boost-users-bounces@lists.boost.org [mailto:boost-users-bounces@lists.boost.org] On Behalf Of Peng Yu Sent: September 19, 2008 3:47 PM To: boost-users@lists.boost.org Subject: [Boost-users] Why something like #ifndef BOOST_MPI_HPP is alwayscapitalized?
In most of the C++ header files I've seem, a macro like the following is used to guard repetitive inclusion of the file. I'm wondering why it is always in upper case. Why not make it the same case as the file name?
What if there are two header files on is in lower case, the other is in upper case?
Thanks, Peng