On 13/12/2018, Osman Zakir via Boost-users
I still need a question on it to be answered. "Anyway, just one more question: if I want to use VS2017, should I put "<compatibility>vc141", or "<compatibility>vc14.1"?"
It should be set to vc14, as I wrote to you from the beginning. vc14 (major version) works for all minor versions 14.0 and 14.1 and hopefully 14.2 iff it appears. The [historic] content of the mailing list is archived, you can find it surfing from boost.org [I'm on very [like not even pre-adsl modem speeds] slow internet in a desert somewhere, so you'll have to find it yourself]. You can [should] use the archive as a reference to previous information that was sent to you. I suggest you use it. As you can see peops get a bit pissed off if you start saying you "lost" stuff and expect people to spoon-feed you the same info over and over again. degski -- *“If something cannot go on forever, it will stop" - Herbert Stein*