According to the MPL reference, a placeholder expression X
must satisfy (among others) the following condition: "All of X's template parameters, including the default ones, are types."
According to that the following should then compile without errors:
#include #include using namespace boost; using namespace boost::mpl;
struct foo { template<typename Q> struct apply{ typedef Q type; }; }; typedef apply1
,int>::type t1; BOOST_MPL_ASSERT((is_same
)); int main(){}
However, I've tried with GCC 3.4.4 and the static assertion fails! I'd like to know:
1. Whether I'm right in assuming that the code above should compile without assertion failures.
2. What the behavior is for other versions of GCC and compilers: reports most welcome!!
Basically, this is a GCC-specific problem caused by a non-conforming extension that was removed in 4.2.0 (http://gcc.gnu.org/gcc-4.2/changes.html, search for "(undocumented) extension").
3. Whether this is a known problem specific to GCC or, more generally, what the status of this issue is.
It is, and it's not a issue anymore starting with GCC 4.2.
You should be able to work around it for older versions
by providing a specialization of the
'boost::mpl::aux::template_arity' template along the
following lines (untested):