On 8/19/2015 10:31 PM, Abhay Mhatre wrote:
yes I am using b2.exe to build boost test binary for msvc toolset.
What do you mean by "build boost test binary" ? Are you running 'b2' from the Boost top-level directory ? Are you specifying a toolset when you run 'b2" ? Are you using the latest Boost from Github or are you using a specific release of Boost ? The only sure way of having Boost use your specific msvcrt.lib is having your specific version of msvcrt.lib found first during the build process.
On Monday, August 17, 2015, Edward Diener
mailto:eldiener@tropicsoft.com> wrote: On 8/14/2015 3:36 PM, Abhay Mhatre wrote:
is it possible to provide specific msvcrt.lib while building boost. It uses default one and my build system uses the one specified in build system. this causes heap corruption at the end of program termination.
Boost is 120+ libraries and a dozen or so tools. What do you mean by "building boost" ? Executing b2 from the top-level directory ?