On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 5:40 PM, Johan Oudinet
On Thu, May 1, 2008 at 5:29 PM, James Sutherland
wrote: Can you do something like
typedef boost::graph_traits<Graph>::edge_descriptor Edge; Edge e; .... std::set<Edge> edges; edgeSet.insert( e );
I am getting compiler errors that imply that the edge_descriptor does not implement the < operator.
I'm experiencing the same issue... I'd like defining an operator< for the specific edge_descriptor I have (i.e., I use boost::vecS for the edge container), but I don't know what kind of type edge_descriptor is?
Or maybe, I can safety convert an edge_descriptor to a standard type like 'int'?
I finally found the implementation of edge_descriptor in boost/graph/detail/edge.hpp Since I found that operator== use get_property method, I defined an operator < that compares results of get_property() I think it works for my graphs. But I have no idea of the limitations of this silly workaround! Hope it will be useful for someone else. Regards, -- Johan